Vermont Architect Gregor Masefield of Studio III architects Achieves Passive House Consultant Certification!

Congratulations to Studio III architects Owner Gregor Masefield for completing training and passing the exams to become a Certified Passive House Consultant!

Read more about Passive House Institute US here:

Studio III architects Vermont passive house certified consultants

Studio III architects’ Hero Wednesday: Ecovative Design

This week’s hero is something or a re-do….but these guys are amazing and have a lot of thoughts about our future…and ideas on how we fix it!!
Everyone loves a video right…well check these out. They are called Ecovative,
RPI grads that started up a little company…and check out their TED talks!

Bio Tech that works in your own compost!
Renewable in 5 days!!
These guys are a company to keep an eye on…and heros

Studio III architects' Hero Wednesday
Studio III architects’ Hero Wednesday: Ecovative Design

“The One Safe Investment and Why You Never Hear About It From Financial Advisors”

“The One Safe Investment and Why You Never Hear About It From Financial Advisors”

When I was a kid…(and no im not that old)….i had a savings account that earned (that’s right “earned”) 8.25%. The banking industry did away with that and I’m sure they’d say it was for our own good. So now if we need liquid cash we must borrow it….no dipping into the savings.

This article features a different way to think about investments and earnings that seems to make sense but is very different from our current way of thinking…what do you think? Fuzzy math, fact or fiction….?