“The One Safe Investment and Why You Never Hear About It From Financial Advisors”

“The One Safe Investment and Why You Never Hear About It From Financial Advisors”

When I was a kid…(and no im not that old)….i had a savings account that earned (that’s right “earned”) 8.25%. The banking industry did away with that and I’m sure they’d say it was for our own good. So now if we need liquid cash we must borrow it….no dipping into the savings.

This article features a different way to think about investments and earnings that seems to make sense but is very different from our current way of thinking…what do you think? Fuzzy math, fact or fiction….?

Studio III Hits FineHomebuilding Again

Studio III is mentioned in the article “Master Carpenter: Weaving Slate and Tile into a Stunning Floor” in the current issue of FineHomebuilding magazine!
Sean Flynn of Silver Maple Construction in Bristol demonstrates, for the entryway of his own home, how he achieved this effect, and Studio III gets a mention!
Gregor originally designed a similar floor for a residence in Charlotte, Vermont.

Click here to see the video!